# nuvexportrc:
#  This file contains the configuration for nuvexport, and should be
#    installed as /etc/nuvexportrc.  You can also copy this file to
#    ~/.nuvexportrc, where nuvexport will look first, if you wish to create
#    settings local to a specific user.
#  I try to use this file to document all of the commandline options
#    supported by nuvexport, but it is quite likely that a few slip through
#    here and there unnoticed.  Feel free to poke around in the code for
#    add_arg() calls to see all of the available options.
#  Anything placed within the <nuvexport> section will be interpreted as a
#    global option.  Use this section for options that don't relate
#    specifically to any particular exporter.

#  Set export_prog to ffmpeg, transcode or mencoder, depending on your
#    preference of program for exports.  This is equivalent to --ffmpeg,
#    --transcode or --mencoder
#    export_prog=ffmpeg


#  Any other parameters set in this file are equivalent to using the
#    equivalent setting as a commandline option.  For boolean options like
#    --deinterlace (--nodeinterlace), use deinterlace=yes (or no, true or
#    false) instead. Actual commandline options will override anything in
#    this file.

#  Preferred mode -- if you don't set this, nuvexport will ask you what you
#    would like to do.  Use --mode or any of the mode symlinks (like
#    nuvexport-xvid) to override.
#    mode=xvid

#  Setting underscores to yes will convert whitespace in filenames to an
#    underscore character (which some people seem to prefer)

#  Setting require_cutlist to yes will tell nuvexport to show only those
#    recordings that have a cutlist
#    require_cutlist=no


#  By default, nuvexport picks what it thinks is a good name for your file
#    (doing its best to avoid printing "Untitled" into the filename). 
#    Setting name will let you change the output format of the filename
#    generated by nuvexport.  Even after this formatting, nuvexport will
#    still do some basic replacements to make sure that illegal filename
#    characters (eg. /\:*?<>|) are replaced with a dash (or " with a '). 
#    The following format variables are supported:
#    %T   -> Title (show name)
#    %S   -> Subtitle (episode name)
#    %R   -> Description
#    %C   -> Category
#    %U   -> RecGroup
#    %hn  -> Hostname of the machine where the file resides
#    %c   -> Channel:  MythTV chanid
#    %cn  -> Channel:  channum
#    %cc  -> Channel:  callsign
#    %cN  -> Channel:  channel name
#    %y   -> Recording start time:  year, 2 digits
#    %Y   -> Recording start time:  year, 4 digits
#    %n   -> Recording start time:  month
#    %m   -> Recording start time:  month, leading zero
#    %j   -> Recording start time:  day of month
#    %d   -> Recording start time:  day of month, leading zero
#    %g   -> Recording start time:  12-hour hour
#    %G   -> Recording start time:  24-hour hour
#    %h   -> Recording start time:  12-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %H   -> Recording start time:  24-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %i   -> Recording start time:  minutes
#    %s   -> Recording start time:  seconds
#    %a   -> Recording start time:  am/pm
#    %A   -> Recording start time:  AM/PM
#    %ey  -> Recording end time:  year, 2 digits
#    %eY  -> Recording end time:  year, 4 digits
#    %en  -> Recording end time:  month
#    %em  -> Recording end time:  month, leading zero
#    %ej  -> Recording end time:  day of month
#    %ed  -> Recording end time:  day of month, leading zero
#    %eg  -> Recording end time:  12-hour hour
#    %eG  -> Recording end time:  24-hour hour
#    %eh  -> Recording end time:  12-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %eH  -> Recording end time:  24-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %ei  -> Recording end time:  minutes
#    %es  -> Recording end time:  seconds
#    %ea  -> Recording end time:  am/pm
#    %eA  -> Recording end time:  AM/PM
#    %py  -> Program start time:  year, 2 digits
#    %pY  -> Program start time:  year, 4 digits
#    %pn  -> Program start time:  month
#    %pm  -> Program start time:  month, leading zero
#    %pj  -> Program start time:  day of month
#    %pd  -> Program start time:  day of month, leading zero
#    %pg  -> Program start time:  12-hour hour
#    %pG  -> Program start time:  24-hour hour
#    %ph  -> Program start time:  12-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %pH  -> Program start time:  24-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %pi  -> Program start time:  minutes
#    %ps  -> Program start time:  seconds
#    %pa  -> Program start time:  am/pm
#    %pA  -> Program start time:  AM/PM
#    %pey -> Program end time:  year, 2 digits
#    %peY -> Program end time:  year, 4 digits
#    %pen -> Program end time:  month
#    %pem -> Program end time:  month, leading zero
#    %pej -> Program end time:  day of month
#    %ped -> Program end time:  day of month, leading zero
#    %peg -> Program end time:  12-hour hour
#    %peG -> Program end time:  24-hour hour
#    %peh -> Program end time:  12-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %peH -> Program end time:  24-hour hour, with leading zero
#    %pei -> Program end time:  minutes
#    %pes -> Program end time:  seconds
#    %pea -> Program end time:  am/pm
#    %peA -> Program end time:  AM/PM
#    %oy  -> Original Airdate:  year, 2 digits
#    %oY  -> Original Airdate:  year, 4 digits
#    %on  -> Original Airdate:  month
#    %om  -> Original Airdate:  month, leading zero
#    %oj  -> Original Airdate:  day of month
#    %od  -> Original Airdate:  day of month, leading zero    
#    %f -> full path to the filename
#    %%   -> a literal % character
#    filename=%T - %S


#  By default, nuvexport uses an American-style date to represent showtimes
#    in lists and filenames.  Use --date to override that with the format of
#    your choosing.  See the UnixDate section `perldoc Date::Manip` for
#    formatting options.
#    date=%m/%d, %i:%M %p

#  Nuvexport has the option to crop a percentage of the border of each
#  recording in order to get rid of the unsightly edges of the tv signal. 
#  The default 1.5% approximates the overscan of an average TV, but you can
#  alter this from 0 to 5% to fit your preferences.  Please keep in mind
#  that this amount is removed prior to making any aspect conversions like
#  removing black bars from 4:3 recordings to make a 16:9 export.
    crop_pct = 1.5

#  Alternatively, you can override the general crop_pct to crop a different
#  amount from specific sides of the recording.
#   crop_top    = 2
#   crop_right  = 2
#   crop_bottom = 2
#   crop_left   = 2

#  You can also override the output aspect ratio.  This is useful in
#  combination with crop_top=12.5 and crop_bottom=12.5 to remove the black
#  bars from the top/bottom of recordings broadcast in fake widescreen.
#   out_aspect  = 16:9

#  Export a matching .txt file, which mythvideo can use to import
#  information about your exports, since it likely can't look them up in
#  imdb.
#   save_info = yes

#  Include recordings from some special recgroups that wouldn't normally be
#  available for export.
#   show_deleted = yes
#   show_livetv  = yes

#  Uncomment this setting to disable the encode's progress display.  You
#  should really only use this on the commandline for cron/user jobs where
#  you don't want the progress updates to fill up a log or email.
#   noprogress = yes


#  The sections below work as above, with each more specific section
#    overriding the more generic.


# Default to export to the current directory

#path = .

# Use the cutlist (not to be confused with the commercial flag list) when
#    exporting.
    use_cutlist = yes

# Tell mythcommflag to generate a cutlist from the commercial flags before
#    exporting.  Don't forget to enable use_cutlist above, too.
#   gencutlist = no

   gencutlist = yes

# Contrary to popular belief, enabling multipass will not make your
#    recordings look better.  What it will do, however is guarantee that the
#    bitrate you choose will be the average bitrate of your entire encode
#    (meaning that your exports will end up being about the same size
#    per-minute), and that you will receive the best overall quality for a
#    files of the same size.
    multipass = yes

# Disabling noise reduction can speed up your exports dramatically, but at the
#    expense of some quality.  For your convenience, this is also aliased on
#    the commandline as --denoise (or --nodenoise), as well as
#    --noise_reduction.
#    noise_reduction = no

    noise_reduction = yes

# Deinterlace the video so that it looks better on software players.
#    deinterlace     = yes
    deinterlace     = no

# Crop about 2% from the border of the recording before encoding.  This is
#    done to get rid of part of the broadcast signal that is usually
#    obscured by the tv's overscan.
    crop = yes

#  You can create settings for each export module type.  These are the
#    second-most generic sections, and will only be reached if there are no
#    matches in the full or generic module names.
#  If you have a particularly dirty signal, you might want to try to disable
#    fast_denoise (it's actually part of yuvdenoise, which both the ffmpeg
#    and transcode exporters call).  It can be almost twice as slow as the
#    default "fast" normal noise reduction, but it considerably more
#    effective. The latest version of yuvdenoise (which is called directly
#    by the ffmpeg exporters) does not support this option, so it is ignored
#    in that case.
    fast_denoise = yes

#  If nuvexport is having trouble detecting the *input* aspect ratio of your
#    recordings (MythTV used to hard-code all software-encoded files as 1:1
#    regardless of the true aspect), set this option to one of the
#    following:
#   force_aspect = [ 1:1 4:3 16:9 2.21:1 ]


#  ffmpeg is almost twice as fast if you disable noise reduction
#    noise_reduction = no
#  By default, nuvexport's ffmpeg module lets ffmpeg handle deinterlacing.
#    I've found that this provides the best results, but if you wish to let
#    yuvdenoise do it instead, set deint_in_yuvdenoise to a true value.
#    deint_in_yuvdenoise = no


#  Mythtranscode will always be used for nupplevideo recordings because
#    transcode can't read them, but setting force_mythtranscode to yes will
#    force nuvexport to call mythtranscode when using the transcode exporter
#    for mpeg recordings, too.  This may help problems that some people have
#    been having with transcode not recognizing certain dvb recordings, as
#    well as transcode not working properly on certain ivtv recordings.
    force_mythtranscode = yes

#  Setting both force_mythtranscode and mythtranscode_cutlist to yes will
#    tell nuvexport to use mythtranscode's built-in cutlist functions,
#    rather than having transcode use its own.  I've found that the cutlists
#    for a handful of ivtv recordings that do not work properly with
#    transcode's internal cutlist handler.
    mythtranscode_cutlist = yes




#  You can also create settings for generic export module names.  These will
#    only be overridden by full module names.


    vbr          = yes   # Enable vbr to get the multipass/quantisation options
                         # (enabling multipass or quantisation automatically enables vbr)
    multipass    = yes   # You get either multipass or quantisation; multipass will override
    quantisation = 6     # 4 through 6 is probably right...  1..31 are allowed (lower is better quality)

    a_bitrate    = 128   # Audio bitrate of 128 kbps
    v_bitrate    = 768   # Remember, quantisation overrides video bitrate

    width        = 512   # Height adjusts automatically to width, according to aspect ratio
    height       = auto


#  The mp3 bitrate used by MythTV's software encoder is 128, so there is no
#    real need to go any higher in exports.  You can, of course, turn this
#    up if you get your recordings from other sources.
    bitrate = 128


#  If you want to provide settings for a very specific export module, you can
#    use its full name, and it will override any more generic settings.

# The MP4 encoder for ffmpeg has a few options unique to itself

#  Codec to use (mpeg4 or h264).  Please note that h264 support requires the
#    SVN version of ffmpeg (not CVS!).  In fact, even the mpeg4 codec works
#    better with the SVN version.
#    Note:  The h.264 files exported by nuvexport seem to play fine on
#    ipods, but lack the atom necessary to be recognized by iTunes, so you
#    will have to find other means to get the exports onto your ipod (gtkpod
#    works great).
    mp4_codec = h264

#  Framerate to use:  auto, 25, 23.97, 29.97.  PAL will always be 25 fps,
#    and auto will set 29.97 for everything over 320x288 and 23.97 for the
#    rest.
    mp4_fps = auto

#  Enable ipod compatibility mode.  Aside from forcing a max resolution of
#    640x480, this basically just sets motion detection reference frames
#    (-refs) to 2 instead of 7 (the ipod can only handle 2), and thus a
#    small drop in motion detection quality.
    ipod = yes


# As does the PSP exporter

# PSP framerate (high=29.97, low=14.985)
    psp_fps = low

# PSP resolution (320x240, 368x208 or 400x192)
    psp_resolution = 320x240

# PSP video bitrate (high=768, low=384)
    psp_bitrate = high

# Create a thumbnail to go with the PSP video export?
    psp_thumbnail = yes


# You can also add flags to the one and only mencoder option

    multipass = no



#  You can also make specific profiles called with the --profile parameter
#    that will override other config options (but not commandline
#    arguments).
#    For example, you could make a profile that would encode your favorite
#    show with your favorite settings.

    title       = test

    export_prog = transcode
    mode        = xvid
    confirm     = true


#  Or crop the black bars off of the top/bottom of fake widescreen shows.

    title       = test

    export_prog = ffmpeg
    mode        = mp4

    out_aspect  = 16:9

    crop_pct    = 0
    crop_top    = 12.5
    crop_bottom = 12.5

    width        = 528
    height       = 360
